God's Little Conger

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What my journal says today is pretty amazing! "By the end of this month, your baby will have completed a period of growth that involves the greatest size and physical changes of its lifetime. In five days, it will be 10,000 times larger than the fertilized egg though, in actuality, not much bigger than a grain of rice!"
Yesterday I felt great almost all day - had no problems at the grocery store or anything. And so far today I feel really good, too. My friend Luisa is visiting today and bringing me a bunch of back issues of Martha Stewart Living magazine. She is the sweetest lady. I'm glad she's coming today!
OH - pregnancy dreams really ARE the most bizarre dreams EVER!! Last night I dreamed that I was at a new college or something...and was making a group of really nice new friends. Within a short period of time, though, I discovered that they were part of a terrible cult. (YIKES!) They wanted me to be a part of their cult and I was trying desperately to get away from them. They had me trapped in this huge, really old house and I was "playing along" with their craziness in hopes that I could escape quickly at some point. Mom and Dad were there for part of it, trying to help me get away. Oh, and at the beginning of the dream I was driving Dad's Rolls Royce and I was doing a terrible driving job. I banged up his car and he was not happy! Soooo bizarre. When I woke up from that one, I was sweating and breathing fast. I have a feeling this is just the beginning of the over-the-top dreams for the next eight months! So much to look forward to.....
*note dripping sarcasm here*

A few days ago my boobs started hurting. WOW are they SENSITIVE now. Ouch!!


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