Jeez - three days without a post here. I'm slackin'!
Today Baby C could fit in the bowl of a tablespoon. I can't believe just a few weeks ago s/he was the size of a sesame seed!
Been feeling a bit better the last couple days. Yesterday Scotty and I went to buy maternity jeans (!), out for lunch, and it felt so good to just be OUT that I suggested a matinee movie. Around dinner time I felt awful again but for the majority of the day I felt pretty good, so I should not complain! This morning I felt good enough to go to church! We went to a different church today - a much smaller one that's right across the street. The people there were very friendly and welcoming and we're pretty sure we'll go back!
After church we went to the grocery store real quick and got stuff for lunch - a roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and yogurt. Oh my gosh, I ate so much!! It was sooooo good. And so far (4:00 pm) I still feel okay! YES!!! What a HUGE relief!!!
The only thing that's plaguing me today is a headache. Extra-strengh Tylenol seems to do the trick....and I'll take headaches over terrible nausea a bazillion times over, baby!!
TOMORROW is our 10-week ultrasound! It's finally almost here. Scotty's taking the day off and the appointment's at 2:00. I'm so excited!!
One more thing. Can I just say - maternity jeans are SO comfortable!! And it feels GOOD to be wearing jeans again!
How exciting!!! I bet you both cry!
Kat, at 8:22 PM
I'm glad you were able to get out.
sounds like a great day!
keep an eye on those headaches too...... I never got sick during my pregnancy, but I had TERRIBLE migraines & they had to give me some 'cocktail' in an IV & put me in a dark room! I hope they don't have to do that for you.
tell Little C that you are going to continue to eat right & enjoy your pregnancy!!!
Anonymous, at 6:51 AM
Have fun at your u/s today, Wendy! I can't wait to see the pics of your little one!:)
As for the headaches, I, too, was plagued with migraines during the early part of my pregnancies, especially with my most recent one. Tylenol never touched my headaches, but my dr's office said it was o.k. to drink a can of caffeinated soda along with the Tylenol & that helped more than Tylenol on its own. Also, in case you do experience more frequent headaches, just wanted to let you know that most often they get better as your hormones level out around week 13 or 14. That was the case for me--I was having daily terrible headaches/migraines and then once I hit 14 weeks, things started to get a lot better. Hopefully you'll just get the occasional headache, but just in case, wanted to share my experience with you & hope that it helps you out!
Did you get over or under the belly maternity jeans? It is SO much more comfortable than regular clothes! For a long time when I was still working when pg with Nathan, I would do the rubberband "trick" on my pants so I could wear them for longer, but it got to a point where that was no longer comfortable either & when I finally got into maternity clothes it felt great!
Talk to you soon!
Anonymous, at 8:28 AM
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