God's Little Conger

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

This week, Baby C measures .87-.94 inches from crown to rump - about as wide as the face of an American quarter. Also, by this time the critical period for the baby's heart development has ended. The heart will continue to grow and develop, but not at such a fast pace. So...here's hoping Baby C has a healthy little heart!
Well, over the long weekend (President's Day was yesterday), I felt a wee bit better than I have been. However, I still get really queasy and my throat feels "gaggy" at night after dinner. Blech.
I read that a bloody nose is not uncommon for this stage of pregnancy, and sure enough - my nose has been bleeding a little. Nothing major...just when I blow it, there's a little blood on the kleenex. I'm not sure of the reason for it, but I'm assuming it's because everything kinda seems to "dry up". I think Baby C is stealing all my moisture for him/herself!
I'm really hoping that today and tomorrow I feel okay cuz I wanna get out to a couple stores and get some things I've been needing.
Only six days til my 10-week O.B. appointment. They're doing an ultrasound and we should be able to see the heartbeat!!!! I sooooo cannot wait for that!!


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