Other than having to wait almost two hours for the vagi-scope thingie-dingie, it went AWESOME!!!!!!! OH my gosh, I can't EVEN
believe it!!!!!! The regular abdominal U/S didn't work so well. Doc said my uterus is tipped a little bit, and that made it really hard to find the baby. So alas....she had to do the transvaginal scope. It wasn't bad at all. She gave me a little portable screen to hold so hubby and I could see the baby and all of a sudden - BOOM! There was Baby C!!!!!!!!! My mouth must've been hanging down to my knees!!! My friends, we have a WIGGLY baby!!!!
He (or she) was wiggling and squirming like crazy!!!! Those itty-bitty arms and legs were moving SO much!!!! The doctor said, "OH, look how much it's moving! That looks fantastic!" Then we saw the little heart fluttering!!!!! It was PHENOMENAL. I will never, ever forget it as long as I live!!!! Even though I had a very good feeling about today's doctor visit, I am soooooooo reassured and relieved to have finally SEEN our BABY, and seen him just thriving in there!!!
They didn't have a video-taping option (bummer - cuz I would love to watch all that WIGGLING over and over again!) but I got some great pictures. You can see his little arms sticking out if you look real hard!! *If you click on the pictures, you can see them bigger!
My dear friends, MEET BABY C!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much, Susan! I am utterly amazed at the pictures and at how much it already looks like a little PERSON!!
Wendy, at 5:48 PM
All I can say is your pics are "TRULY AWESOME" I can make out Baby C quite clearly.
Take care.
Love from Susan.
P.S. God Bless you, Scott and his tiny Miracle Baby C
Anonymous, at 5:49 PM
Glad things went so well! Isn't there a HUGE difference from u/s pics in just a few weeks' time? (Josh's was at 7 weeks on my webpage) Fantastic news that Baby C is thriving away...it only gets more amazing! Just wait for those first little taps; it's the best! Congrats!
Anonymous, at 8:23 PM
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