God's Little Conger

Friday, February 10, 2006

Well, got my buns out to Walmart this morning and bought two pairs of nice, comfy sweatpants - one in blue and one in yellow (big surprise there!). Sweats and workout pants are by far the most comfortable thing to wear now.
Mom and Dad spent part of the day here yesterday and it was SO great having their company! And it felt good to not lay in bed all day. I helped Mom tear some fabric strips for crocheting and we just chatted all afternoon long. I really needed that. Then when Scotty got home from work we ordered in from the Italian restaurant down the road and dinner was so yummy. I was really hungry and ate a little too much, I think - felt HUGELY bloated after dinner!
Now I'm relaxing and watching huge snowflakes fall outside the window. Oh, I also stopped by the video store and rented three movies for us to watch this weekend.
Did you know that baby's intestines develop in the umbilical cord?! Baby C's little abdomen is full of kidneys and a big liver, so since there's no room for the intestines in there, they develop in the umbilical cord and eventually move into the abdomen. I am continually amazed at how God grows a baby. He is awesome!


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