OB Visit Number One
My friend Tricia made a good point to me today - it's the "OB" now, not the "gynee". HeeHee!
I seriously barely have the energy to type this. If I didn't know I was pregnant, I would think I was dying of fatigue!!
So my appointment went well today. For some reason I got really nervous as soon as Mom and I walked into the doctor's office! Had to pee like a racehorse when we got there, so asked the receptionist if I could use the bathroom and ended up doing the urine sample then. About fifteen minutes later I got called in and the nurse asked me a bazillion questions. She took my blood pressure and I told her, "It's probably through the roof right now 'cause I'm so nervous"! But it was perfectly normal.
Then about 20 minutes later, Dr. Nakanishi came in. She is THE sweetest lady - so easy to talk to. She did a full exam and everything looked peachy-keeno (my words, not hers!). Then she asked more questions and answered mine. I asked her if Tylenol-PM is safe and she said it absolutely is. She said that Tylenol-PM is actually Tylenol with Benadryl in it. I never knew that! Both of those drugs are safe for pregnancy. That was GOOD news cuz sometimes I need a PM to help me get to sleep. I also told her that my mom had three miscarriages and that she had to have hormone injections once a week for several months in order to carry me. She asked if I wanted them to test my progesterone levels and I said definitely. So if I have the same problem my mom did, they'll find out and let me know and we'll go from there.
She wants me to switch from Paxil to Zoloft. I'm a little scared about that cuz Paxil has been my wonder drug for like four years now. I'm currently on a super-low dose (10mg/day) but she said Zoloft has a longer "track record" and is proven safer for pregnancy. So I shall give that a try.
She said major fatigue is very normal. Wow. I can't wait til this trimester is oveeeeeer!!
She gave me three weeks worth of prenatal vitamins and a Rx for more. They are horse pills, man. HUGE! I might take half in the morning and half at night.
If they find anything goofy in any of the blood tests they will let me know in the next couple days and we'll figure out what to do (i.e. low hormone levels or something)....
Oh, and my official due date is September 23. The online due date calculator was only one day off. Not bad!
They sent me home with a binder full of pregnancy info, including a list of medications that are safe, etc.
My next OB visit is in one month (Feb. 27) and they'll do an ultrasound at that one already!! THAT will be COOL!!! I am really excited for that!
So there ya go - my first visit in a nutshell. A big nutshell. : )
Around this time of the afternoon (4:00ish) I start feeling reeeeally crappy. Neaueous, completely exhausted....and this weird feeling that's kinda hard to explain but many of you who have been pregnant probably understand -- my abdomen feels kinda "tight", for lack of a better term. And my throat is extra-acidy. Blech. Very uncomfortable. Lately I cannot eat dinner. I don't get hungry until about 9:00 and then I eat a little cheese or cereal or fruit with some peanut butter. ......But this too shall pass. The sooner, the better!!
My friend Tricia made a good point to me today - it's the "OB" now, not the "gynee". HeeHee!
I seriously barely have the energy to type this. If I didn't know I was pregnant, I would think I was dying of fatigue!!
So my appointment went well today. For some reason I got really nervous as soon as Mom and I walked into the doctor's office! Had to pee like a racehorse when we got there, so asked the receptionist if I could use the bathroom and ended up doing the urine sample then. About fifteen minutes later I got called in and the nurse asked me a bazillion questions. She took my blood pressure and I told her, "It's probably through the roof right now 'cause I'm so nervous"! But it was perfectly normal.
Then about 20 minutes later, Dr. Nakanishi came in. She is THE sweetest lady - so easy to talk to. She did a full exam and everything looked peachy-keeno (my words, not hers!). Then she asked more questions and answered mine. I asked her if Tylenol-PM is safe and she said it absolutely is. She said that Tylenol-PM is actually Tylenol with Benadryl in it. I never knew that! Both of those drugs are safe for pregnancy. That was GOOD news cuz sometimes I need a PM to help me get to sleep. I also told her that my mom had three miscarriages and that she had to have hormone injections once a week for several months in order to carry me. She asked if I wanted them to test my progesterone levels and I said definitely. So if I have the same problem my mom did, they'll find out and let me know and we'll go from there.
She wants me to switch from Paxil to Zoloft. I'm a little scared about that cuz Paxil has been my wonder drug for like four years now. I'm currently on a super-low dose (10mg/day) but she said Zoloft has a longer "track record" and is proven safer for pregnancy. So I shall give that a try.
She said major fatigue is very normal. Wow. I can't wait til this trimester is oveeeeeer!!
She gave me three weeks worth of prenatal vitamins and a Rx for more. They are horse pills, man. HUGE! I might take half in the morning and half at night.
If they find anything goofy in any of the blood tests they will let me know in the next couple days and we'll figure out what to do (i.e. low hormone levels or something)....
Oh, and my official due date is September 23. The online due date calculator was only one day off. Not bad!
They sent me home with a binder full of pregnancy info, including a list of medications that are safe, etc.
My next OB visit is in one month (Feb. 27) and they'll do an ultrasound at that one already!! THAT will be COOL!!! I am really excited for that!
So there ya go - my first visit in a nutshell. A big nutshell. : )
Around this time of the afternoon (4:00ish) I start feeling reeeeally crappy. Neaueous, completely exhausted....and this weird feeling that's kinda hard to explain but many of you who have been pregnant probably understand -- my abdomen feels kinda "tight", for lack of a better term. And my throat is extra-acidy. Blech. Very uncomfortable. Lately I cannot eat dinner. I don't get hungry until about 9:00 and then I eat a little cheese or cereal or fruit with some peanut butter. ......But this too shall pass. The sooner, the better!!
Hurray for a good appointment!:) Wanted to tell you that you might want to take the prenatals at night before bed as they can sometimes upset your stomach. Mine never made my stomach feel sick, but I always felt like the pills were swimming up & down in my throat & it left a bad taste in my mouth. When I took them before bed, I would fall asleep & it woulnd't bother me at all then. Also, any prenatals will work. I found it a lot cheaper to get the prenatals at Sam's Club than to purchase the Rx from the dr...then again, we all strive to do things just right the first time around, so it's fine if you decide you're more comfortable with what your dr prescribes. Good luck with the switch to Zoloft. I'll be praying for you about that! Take care!
Anonymous, at 5:30 PM
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