Happy March!
Wow, am I TIRED right now!! Mom came to hang out with me today and I'm so glad! She has a really sore knee and has trouble getting around, so I'm really happy that she still came. We went out for lunch and then to Walgreen's. Not a huge deal, I know - but now I'm totally pooped! Phew! It'll be nice to get some energy back! ...It felt so good to be able to sit in a restaurant without wanting to gag - and the chicken quesadillas (which we both had) were sooo yummy.
And the nausea has continued to gradually decrease (thank you, Lord!!!), but now my main problem is acid reflux. Big-time! Tums don't help much. In fact, nothing helps much. Well, eating does, but very temporarily. So yeah, that's pretty uncomfortable. But I'm trying not to complain much; I think about that ultrasound and I look over and over at the pictures from it, and I think about those wiggly, squirmy, teeny-tiny arms and legs and it all becomes more and more worth it. I am SO in love with my baby!!! I mean, completely enamored!!
I posted one more ultrasound picture cuz it's so priceless. In this one, it looks like he's waving! See his little hand sticking up?! Oh my gosh! SOOOO stinkin' cute!!!! (Once again, if you click on the picture you'll see a bigger version.)
Thank you for reading my blog and sharing this amazing experience with me!
I'm so glad you like reading my little blog, Bambi! And I am very excited for you and your little peanut, too!! It's so fun being pregnant at the same time, eh? :)
Wendy, at 11:06 AM
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