This truly is a journey like no other.
Middle-of-the-night meals are becoming a bit of a norm. For example, last night there was absolutely nothing I had a taste for at dinner time. So I had a piece of Scotty's (early)birthday cake and that was it. Woke up at 3 a.m. starving hungry. So I got up and had peach yogurt, a peanut-butter-and-banana sandwich (hello, childhood revisited), and a glass of milk. And now I feel much better and so, I am certain, does my wiggleworm.
So here I sit at 3:52 in the morning.
Now let me tell you why I was eating Scott's birthday cake on March 6 when his birthday is not until March 14. I knew in my mind that his birthday is on a Tuesday. So yesterday morning (Monday), I got myself ready and was out the door by 8:30 to get his birthday gift. I found his new self-cleaning shaver at Walmart, after which I made a quick trip to the grocery store to get a small cake and some candles. Got home, put the cake in the fridge, wrapped his gift, wrote out the card, and eagerly anticipated surprising him when he got home from work with a little "birthday eve" celebration. Um. His birthday is next Tuesday. This is a fact it took a casual phone conversation with my mom to reveal. When I told her what I got him for his birthday and mentioned that I was kinda proud of myself for being ahead of the game since his birthday wasn't until tomorrow, she said, "His birthday is tomorrow?!" No, no it's not. How very assured I was to read in What to Expect When You're Expecting that absentmindedness is quite common at this stage. It did my heart good to be reminded by my friend Rachel last night that during her first pregnancy, she made lasagna with only one layer of noodles. Yum. By the way, the cake was very tasty and he likes his shaver.
One last thing for now: So far I have only revealed to my closest of buddies but I figure it can't hurt to disclose it here too. I want to eat plastic water bottles. For the last couple days, whenever I drink water, I want to chew on the bottle. A quote from that same conversation with Rachel last night: "Hm. I definitely don't remember the urge to eat recyclables."
And something comforting that another friend told me: During both her pregnancies she went through phases where she had to constantly chew on straws. Sweet, sweet reassurance.
So like I said - this is truly a journey like no other.
Middle-of-the-night meals are becoming a bit of a norm. For example, last night there was absolutely nothing I had a taste for at dinner time. So I had a piece of Scotty's (early)birthday cake and that was it. Woke up at 3 a.m. starving hungry. So I got up and had peach yogurt, a peanut-butter-and-banana sandwich (hello, childhood revisited), and a glass of milk. And now I feel much better and so, I am certain, does my wiggleworm.
So here I sit at 3:52 in the morning.
Now let me tell you why I was eating Scott's birthday cake on March 6 when his birthday is not until March 14. I knew in my mind that his birthday is on a Tuesday. So yesterday morning (Monday), I got myself ready and was out the door by 8:30 to get his birthday gift. I found his new self-cleaning shaver at Walmart, after which I made a quick trip to the grocery store to get a small cake and some candles. Got home, put the cake in the fridge, wrapped his gift, wrote out the card, and eagerly anticipated surprising him when he got home from work with a little "birthday eve" celebration. Um. His birthday is next Tuesday. This is a fact it took a casual phone conversation with my mom to reveal. When I told her what I got him for his birthday and mentioned that I was kinda proud of myself for being ahead of the game since his birthday wasn't until tomorrow, she said, "His birthday is tomorrow?!" No, no it's not. How very assured I was to read in What to Expect When You're Expecting that absentmindedness is quite common at this stage. It did my heart good to be reminded by my friend Rachel last night that during her first pregnancy, she made lasagna with only one layer of noodles. Yum. By the way, the cake was very tasty and he likes his shaver.
One last thing for now: So far I have only revealed to my closest of buddies but I figure it can't hurt to disclose it here too. I want to eat plastic water bottles. For the last couple days, whenever I drink water, I want to chew on the bottle. A quote from that same conversation with Rachel last night: "Hm. I definitely don't remember the urge to eat recyclables."
And something comforting that another friend told me: During both her pregnancies she went through phases where she had to constantly chew on straws. Sweet, sweet reassurance.
So like I said - this is truly a journey like no other.
oh yeah...blame it on the pregnancy! LOL
Kat, at 6:02 PM
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