Two bizzare things going on here lately: For the last two days, I can feel my belly strrrretching! It feels soooo weird!!!
And just a little while ago, I got a bloody nose! My nose has been bleeding a tiny bit for a couple months now, but this was the first one where I actually had to stuff a kleenex up there to stop the bleeding. Didn't last long at all, but it was weird too!
Pregnancy is weeeeird! LOL!
Two bizzare things going on here lately: For the last two days, I can feel my belly strrrretching! It feels soooo weird!!!
And just a little while ago, I got a bloody nose! My nose has been bleeding a tiny bit for a couple months now, but this was the first one where I actually had to stuff a kleenex up there to stop the bleeding. Didn't last long at all, but it was weird too!
Pregnancy is weeeeird! LOL!
I get the slightly bleeding nose, too, when I'm pg. Only when I blow my nose, but that was kind of one of the things in hindsight that makes me realize I was indeed pregnant before I tested! Hopefully you won't have one any worse than what you did today--I've never had any bad ones, thankfully! Gotta love how things just seem to dry up while you're pregnant!:)
You think your belly is stretching now, just you wait! But you have to take a picture soon because this is when the big changes start to take place!
Hugs & belly pats from my bean to yours!;)
Tricia, at 10:12 PM
Hey, I'm prone to nose bleeds so just a suggestion if it happens again. Gently hold the tissue at your nose to collect the blood (vs dripping) but use an ice cube at the side of your nose along the bridge as you gentle pinch that area...the cold usually stops the bleed fairly quickly.
daionara, at 10:37 AM
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