I think I heard our gummi bear moving!
I was shopping at K-Mart today and decided to go to the baby section, thinking maybe they'd have fetal heartbeat monitors. I doubted it, but wanted to check. To my great delight, the very first thing I saw in that aisle was BebeSounds Prenatal Heart Listeners!! There were only two left on the shelf and they were only $19.99, so I grabbed one. I was so excited!
So I got it home, put a battery in it and read the manual that came with it. It says that the heartbeat can be heard starting early in the third trimester. Well, I tried it anyway, of course....and I can only hear my own heartbeat, can't hear the baby's yet. However, I think I could hear the baby moving around. The manual says you should be able to hear not only the heartbeat, but kicks, movements, and hiccups too!
This thing will be so fun to have. You can record and email the sounds but I haven't figured out how to do that yet. I will, though, no doubt!
I have a headache again today. Gonna try to sleep it off in a little while but that doesn't usually work!
I am still infinitely fascinated at how God creates people. Ya know what I mean? You have a sperm and an egg and as soon as they meet, BOOM - a tiny person starts forming! It grows arms and legs and eyebrows and right about now, Gummi Bear is developing the swirls that become fingerprints! Utterly awesome. God is soooooooo amazing!! As my pregnancy progresses, I'm getting more and more excited about having a baby. As my belly pops out more and more, I'm getting so psyched that there's a BABY in there! I can't wait to find out the gender in three weeks, and then to see what this little peanut looks like when s/he is finally here!!!!
I wonder if the fetal heartbeat monitor can indicate gas noises too? Dude - try it, and report back!
Kat, at 2:17 PM
Hate to break it to you, but that particular item is a piece of crap! I got it around 20 weeks during my last pregnancy due to some unreasonable fears following my miscarriage a few years ago. I thoroughly read the manual & I will say that you can hear the baby move & hear hiccups (because it causes the baby to move!), but I never once heard Josh's heartbeat on that thing, even at full-term. I later read some reviews on it on Amazon & for the most part everyone else had the same experience I did. There were maybe 2 people who claim they could hear their baby's heartbeat. I hope you have better luck with it though, than I did. It's basically just a glorified stethoscope..that doesn't even work as well as a real stethoscope. Oh, and make sure to not put the headphone part on until after you turn the thing on because the "click" it makes is REALLY loud in your ears!!!
And Kat, you CAN hear the noises from your intestines!;) I'm sure Wendy will be happy to record some intestinal gurgling & send it your way!
Wendy, thanks for the update on the ultrasound date!
Anonymous, at 3:37 PM
Kat - yes, you can hear intestinal noises, most definitely! LOL! It's hilarious!
Tricia - just hearing the baby moving around in there is super-cool to me, and worth the twenty bucks even if it never lets me hear the heartbeat!
Wendy, at 5:41 PM
you can hear gas noises? oh dudette! you have to record & link those!!
enjoy your new toy!
Anonymous, at 8:03 AM
Tee-hee...so awesome!
Kat, at 8:32 AM
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