How could I ever have not wanted a kid??!
One year ago, I would've laughed in your face if you told me that a year from then I would be pregnant. I was so opposed to having a kid. I thought all they were was trouble, inconvenience, and work work work. I liked our freedom to come and go as we pleased and to not have to worry about someone else. I couldn't imagine getting up six times a night to feed and change a baby, and didn't even want to think about all the rigamaroll you have to bring along every time you go somewhere with a baby. I didn't want the hassle.
TOTAL 180. I know it'll be hard. I know it'll be a huge challenge, especially at first. I know it'll take some major getting-used-to. But now that I'm pregnant, I am LIVING for the day that this little girl is born. She's not even here yet and my life revolves around her. She's the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. I just ache to hold her and hug her and kiss her cheek. She's already my precious little Alyssa and I love her more than I can ever say.
One year ago, I would've laughed in your face if you told me that a year from then I would be pregnant. I was so opposed to having a kid. I thought all they were was trouble, inconvenience, and work work work. I liked our freedom to come and go as we pleased and to not have to worry about someone else. I couldn't imagine getting up six times a night to feed and change a baby, and didn't even want to think about all the rigamaroll you have to bring along every time you go somewhere with a baby. I didn't want the hassle.
TOTAL 180. I know it'll be hard. I know it'll be a huge challenge, especially at first. I know it'll take some major getting-used-to. But now that I'm pregnant, I am LIVING for the day that this little girl is born. She's not even here yet and my life revolves around her. She's the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. I just ache to hold her and hug her and kiss her cheek. She's already my precious little Alyssa and I love her more than I can ever say.
How sweet!
And while they truly CAN be trouble, inconvenience & work, work, work, the benefits outweigh the costs! To be someone's "hero" simply by paying attention to them--getting the biggest grins when they see your face in the morning or after naptime simply because they love you, to be their biggest source of be forgiven as only an innocent child can forgive & loved as only a child can're in for the thrill of a lifetime!:)
BTW, I can't wait for your little girl to arrive, either, but enjoy all the kicks & punches to come! My advice: as you progress a little further in your pregnancy (say around 28-32 weeks along or more), place an empty bowl on your belly (presumably you'll have eaten a bunch of ice cream in that bowl!) & watch it wobble around. Cracks me up every time!
Tricia, at 9:38 PM
Okay, I'm so glad you posted this because I do remember back when I visited you last year and how much you *did* not want a child. Now that your pregnant, I wonder how you really feel about it.
Being a mother is truely the best thing ever. When my baby girl looks up and smiles at me, my heart jumps. She is so very precious, and I could not imagine my life without her. She is my life. She loves me, and the feeling is so overwhelming Wendy.
I cannot wait for you to have Alyssa. Your life will change forever, and you won't even remember life before her.
Love you girl.
d_evans, at 10:49 PM
Rest assured, Miss Devon, God has so completely changed my heart on this one!
Wendy, at 7:31 AM
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