God's little Conger is a GIRL!!!!!!!!!
(It won't let me upload the ultrasound pics for some reason! Hopefully I'll figure it out and be able to post them soon!)
So I was SUPER-nervous all day til the appointment. I was SO glad when we finally got there...I just wanted to get the show on the road! First, a young lady doctor did a u/s and pointed out basic body parts. She said, "You're positive you want to know the gender?" I said, "OH yes, very much so." When she got down to the little legs, Baby C cooperated beautifully and spread 'em. The doctor immediately said, "Congratulations, it's a girl!" You could have heard a pin drop. We were both SO SHOCKED! The dr. must've noticed our silence cuz she asked, "Were you guessing it was a boy?" I said, "Oh my gosh, we completely thought it was a boy!" It was so funny!
Then she left and about 20 minutes later, a different doctor came in - an older-ish man. He was sooo nice and sooo informative. He basically did another u/s and easily confirmed that it is a girl! Then he went on to show us and measure almost every organ in her little body - the heart, the brain, the stomach, the diaphram - as well as pointed out that her arms, hands, legs, and feet looked perfect. Those are all things they check closely to see if there are any abnormal growth patterns. Every SINGLE thing he checked looked perfect. He even showed us the left and right ventricles of the heart. It was very, very detailed and very, very fascinating! After he determined that everything looked great, he said that IF we wanted to we could have an amniocentesis. I am definitely not having one. There is a slight risk of harming the baby with an amnio...and seeing our perfect little girl on that screen today was all the assurance we need!
I have to say, I am truly TICKLED PINK to be having a girl (pun fully intended)!!!! I have to change my whole mindset after four months of "just knowing" it was a boy! But holy cow - it'll be so fun to have a little girl!! The adorable clothes and then makeup and then school dances with beautiful dresses, and then a wedding and then HER baby....I know, I'm getting SO way ahead of myself here! But it's SOOOO FUN to think about!!!! I couldn't be happier!! Steph (my sister) kept all of Mackenzie's baby clothes so we'll have lots of really cute clothes right off the bat. Mackenzie was also a Fall baby, so they'll be the right size and everything! And ya know what I am so excited to do? Go garage-saleing and buy cute little girl clothes!!! It is WAAAAY cool to know the gender now!!!!!!!
Once again, I thank our ever-faithful Father for His answers to prayer, for protecting this little sweetheart whom I already love SOOO much, and for easing our fears today. He is my everything and the works of His hands are absolutely miraculous.
(It won't let me upload the ultrasound pics for some reason! Hopefully I'll figure it out and be able to post them soon!)
So I was SUPER-nervous all day til the appointment. I was SO glad when we finally got there...I just wanted to get the show on the road! First, a young lady doctor did a u/s and pointed out basic body parts. She said, "You're positive you want to know the gender?" I said, "OH yes, very much so." When she got down to the little legs, Baby C cooperated beautifully and spread 'em. The doctor immediately said, "Congratulations, it's a girl!" You could have heard a pin drop. We were both SO SHOCKED! The dr. must've noticed our silence cuz she asked, "Were you guessing it was a boy?" I said, "Oh my gosh, we completely thought it was a boy!" It was so funny!
Then she left and about 20 minutes later, a different doctor came in - an older-ish man. He was sooo nice and sooo informative. He basically did another u/s and easily confirmed that it is a girl! Then he went on to show us and measure almost every organ in her little body - the heart, the brain, the stomach, the diaphram - as well as pointed out that her arms, hands, legs, and feet looked perfect. Those are all things they check closely to see if there are any abnormal growth patterns. Every SINGLE thing he checked looked perfect. He even showed us the left and right ventricles of the heart. It was very, very detailed and very, very fascinating! After he determined that everything looked great, he said that IF we wanted to we could have an amniocentesis. I am definitely not having one. There is a slight risk of harming the baby with an amnio...and seeing our perfect little girl on that screen today was all the assurance we need!
I have to say, I am truly TICKLED PINK to be having a girl (pun fully intended)!!!! I have to change my whole mindset after four months of "just knowing" it was a boy! But holy cow - it'll be so fun to have a little girl!! The adorable clothes and then makeup and then school dances with beautiful dresses, and then a wedding and then HER baby....I know, I'm getting SO way ahead of myself here! But it's SOOOO FUN to think about!!!! I couldn't be happier!! Steph (my sister) kept all of Mackenzie's baby clothes so we'll have lots of really cute clothes right off the bat. Mackenzie was also a Fall baby, so they'll be the right size and everything! And ya know what I am so excited to do? Go garage-saleing and buy cute little girl clothes!!! It is WAAAAY cool to know the gender now!!!!!!!
Once again, I thank our ever-faithful Father for His answers to prayer, for protecting this little sweetheart whom I already love SOOO much, and for easing our fears today. He is my everything and the works of His hands are absolutely miraculous.
I went shopping last night after your announcement! Girl clothes are *definitely* more fun!
Kat, at 8:28 AM
I'll say a big "CONGRATS" on your blog as well!
Think pink!:) (And purple!)
Tricia, at 9:04 AM
Hi Wendy,
Now what can I say but you could have picked my jaw up off the floor this morning, when I read its a GIRL LOL
I was so convinced it was a BOY but what the heck as we say as long as you and baby are both fine that is the main thing.but now I can go to my favourite baby clothes store here and buy a beautiful dress weeeeeeeeeheeeeeeee
Love from Susan
Anonymous, at 2:41 PM
Susan! You are sooo funny, lady! I love ya!!
Wendy, at 8:00 AM
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