Tricia reminded me that I needed to post on my blog! Jeez, I think six days is the longest I've gone without writing on here. Sorry 'bout it!
I guess part of the reason I haven't written much lately is because I've been sooooooooo tired. Just absolutely exhausted. I thought the tiredness was supposed to let up a little bit by 16 weeks, but apparently not! Therefore, I haven't been real busy. Still just relaxing around the house most of the time. BOOOORING. My next OB checkup is next Tuesday, the 18th, so when I'm there I'll ask my doc why she thinks I still have absolutely no energy. No need to tell me possible reasons....I know what the possible reasons could be. It'll be good to talk to my doctor about it.
...Still haven't felt Gummi Bear move since that one time a few weeks ago. I cannot to wait to feel him (or her) move again!! I'll probably scream - even it's in the middle of the night....LoL!
The appetite is getting better. Up until the past week or so I haven't been hungry for dinner at all. Lately I finally am hungry for dinner again. In fact, usually I'm so hungry that I end up eating before my hubby even gets home from work! Poor guy! He's getting used to it though.
Ya know, part of me wonders if life will ever be the same again. The baby's not even here yet, and my life is sooo different. LOL!
My belly continues to pooch more and more. Only a few weeks til the 20-week ultrasound and then *hopefully* we'll know if it's a boy or a girl!!
Tonight we have to go to Jackson-Hewitt to sit and go over our taxes. UGH. Can I just say - I abhore (did I spell that right?) financial crap. Scotty said he'd do most of the question-answering and stuff, thank goodness. So most of the time I'll be sitting there wishing we weren't there. Yuck.
So let me go see if I can find a picture of what the baby looks like at this point - 16-1/2 weeks. I'll definitely past after my appointment on Tuesday. Do you think I'll hear the heartbeat again? I hope so!!
...Okay, found a picture. I can't believe the baby's about 4-1/2 inches long already!
Hi Wendy!
Glad you posted again! They'll listen for the baby's h/b at every appointment you have from now on. They don't usually do it much before 12 weeks because the odds are you might not hear it, but from now on it should be easy for them to find.
Bet you'll feel baby C move any day now. If not, when you go in for your ultrasound, check to see if you have an anterior placenta (that's what I had with Josh; placenta attaches to the front of the stomach) because that can cause you to not feel the early movements as much.
Thanks for the update! Hope you "wake up" soon!
Anonymous, at 8:45 AM
Did you quit working (pet sitting)? I was thinking if you had something that you just "had" to do and your made yourself do it, some of that tiredness would go away. I had to keep moving. If I hadn't, I would have lazed myself away. Hope it gets better for you soon. :)
Anonymous, at 2:20 PM
Yeah, I'm still pet sitting, but I'm down to just one dog walk per weekday. The other dogs I had were just too hyper to handle.
I do find that sometimes if I push myself, sometimes it keeps from getting too tired...but in general, it's completely unavoidable. There's only so much activity I can handle. I hate this!
Wendy, at 2:27 PM
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