Last night at bedtime, all I could think about was KFC. A big chicken breast, baked beans, mashed potatoes, and a biscuit. Maybe some ice cold Diet Coke. I asked Scotty how late KFC is open and he was like, "Oh man, that sounds SO good right now." But it was 10:30 and we figured it was probably closed. I settled for a can of Bush's baked beans, some CheezIts and a big glass of milk. My tummy was happy - and I'm sure Gummi Bear's was too. Hee!
Their fake mashed potatoes make my mouth water!
Kat, at 9:48 AM
Mine too!! LOL!
Wendy, at 9:50 AM
KFC mashed potatoes = INSTANT POTATO FLAKES.
I love KFC chicken, but immediately after eating it, I regret it. I can taste it for a day or two afterward. BLECH!
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM
....Well, we went to KFC for dinner tonight! It was goooood! ;)
Wendy, at 9:00 PM
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