Well, to the "anonymous" person who's been causing trouble on here, thanks a ton. Because of you, I'm probably gonna be taking my blog offline very soon. It's people like you who make this world a sad, sad place.
I have not given that much "personal information" on my blog. I talk about pregnancy stuff and my feelings about it, etc. Big deal. Isn't that what blogs are for?
Anyway, thanks loads, whoever you are. And I hope I never hear from you again.
And to my dear friends who have been reading my blog and commenting and all that fun stuff - I love you! And I'll miss this place. A lot.
I have not given that much "personal information" on my blog. I talk about pregnancy stuff and my feelings about it, etc. Big deal. Isn't that what blogs are for?
Anyway, thanks loads, whoever you are. And I hope I never hear from you again.
And to my dear friends who have been reading my blog and commenting and all that fun stuff - I love you! And I'll miss this place. A lot.
Hey Wendy...
How about getting a babies online account. Those can be password protected to keep freaks like "anonymous" out! Give that a try?! Just let those of us who know you & aren't out to make you feel miserable, know the password so we can enjoy your updates! Don't give up due to one oddball!
Tricia, at 7:15 PM
I don't think you should give this loser anon *poser* a second thought. Anyone who feels the need to cyber-stalk just needs a life.
Kat, at 7:24 PM
Wendy, please don't let this one person ruin your blog! You can set up your comments so they come to you via email and you can approve it or not! Do that hon!
d_evans, at 10:25 PM
I, too, hope you will continue to blog. I love reading it! Please don't let one person ruin it.
Anonymous, at 12:11 AM
Wendy I truly hope you did not mean me, but I don't think I have ever seen any other anon posts and certainly nothing nasty. I have only commented a couple times with no ill will at all. I only came here to share this special time with you. I only have good thoughts and wishes for you, Scott and your little one. Please don't stop blogging. I will not post again.
Anonymous, at 9:58 AM
No, I'm sure I'm not referring to you. From what I can tell, there's one nice anon poster, and one idiot anon poster. You're most likely the nice one! I would, however, like to know who you are - just would feel "safer" knowing who the anon posters are.
Wendy, at 10:46 AM
Hi Wendy.
Don't let the this SAD SICK PERSON put you off just ingore them.
Ok I hope all is well with you and Alyssa and not forgetting Scott to hehehe.
Love from Susan
P.S. You cannot stop doing your blogspot cos guess what.......... I use it as my count down to my hols,now I wonder where I could be going on my hols..........HEHEHEHEHE
Anonymous, at 5:50 PM
Wenz ignore ever who this is and keep on blogging.
Anonymous, at 6:24 PM
Wendy, I think you set it so that anyone who posts has to have permission or be a member of the blog community. I think you can also disallow anon comments. It would such for your nice anon, but it might make you feel better. I hope you keep this blog up, cuz I enjoy reading it. Hugs.
Renee, at 10:41 PM
Wendyloo don't let the anon person get to you. Ya want I ought to sit on them?
daionara, at 6:06 AM
Wendy - go to your Dashboard - SETTINGS - COMMENTS
The second one down, "Who can Comment?" Change it to "only registered users."
PRESTO no more anonymous comments!
Dy, at 1:47 AM
Please - we both know who it is, and they do it on mine too. It's pathetic and yet it cracks me up that she is still consumed by us. Lesbian freak that she is.
Brenda, at 10:14 AM
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