I was a little worried this morning because when I got up, I started having weird cramps in my very low, right abdomen. It was kind-of a quick, shooting pain that would last about three seconds and then be gone...and it would come and go. After almost three hours of the on-and-off cramps, I called my OB because I just didn't want to take any chances. They told me to come in so I went in at noon and saw my doctor.
She asked me if it hurt when she pressed on the area where the cramps are. I said no. Then she did a quick exam and said everything looked fine - cervix is closed and firm like it should be, etc. Then she listened around for the heartbeat and that little heart was beating strong! Hallelujah!! 154 bpm. She said that was great.
So...the conclusion she came to was that it is, indeed, ligaments stretching to support my growing uterus. In fact, she said now that it's the second trimester - to expect more cramps similar to the ones I had today. The only other thing she said is that my appendix is in the area where the cramps were, but she said if it were my appendix, the pain would be much worse and more constant.
My next scheduled appointment was supposed to be this coming Monday, but we did everything at today's visit that we would've done then, so I gave her a urine specimen and just rescheduled my next appt for April 18. I gotta say - it was a treat to hear that heartbeat today!!! It sounded so cute and SO fast!! It was like "woosh, woosh, woosh...." SO cool!
I was a little worried this morning because when I got up, I started having weird cramps in my very low, right abdomen. It was kind-of a quick, shooting pain that would last about three seconds and then be gone...and it would come and go. After almost three hours of the on-and-off cramps, I called my OB because I just didn't want to take any chances. They told me to come in so I went in at noon and saw my doctor.
She asked me if it hurt when she pressed on the area where the cramps are. I said no. Then she did a quick exam and said everything looked fine - cervix is closed and firm like it should be, etc. Then she listened around for the heartbeat and that little heart was beating strong! Hallelujah!! 154 bpm. She said that was great.
So...the conclusion she came to was that it is, indeed, ligaments stretching to support my growing uterus. In fact, she said now that it's the second trimester - to expect more cramps similar to the ones I had today. The only other thing she said is that my appendix is in the area where the cramps were, but she said if it were my appendix, the pain would be much worse and more constant.
My next scheduled appointment was supposed to be this coming Monday, but we did everything at today's visit that we would've done then, so I gave her a urine specimen and just rescheduled my next appt for April 18. I gotta say - it was a treat to hear that heartbeat today!!! It sounded so cute and SO fast!! It was like "woosh, woosh, woosh...." SO cool!
The heartbeat is the coolest thing ever.
d_evans, at 8:00 AM
i am not sure if i am doing this right wendy, but i wanted to leave a note. I am so happy for you. Are you sure now it is a boy, or will they be doing another ultra sound. Yep dr is right, that is when the pain starts to let you know he is still there, might be sleeping but all other systems are going fine
Anonymous, at 2:09 AM
that was not supposed to be anonymous it was pose'd to be me, betty sorry, shows how much i know about puters
Anonymous, at 2:09 AM
That sounds like a boy heartbeat if ever I've heard of one! :D
Anonymous, at 1:17 PM
can you imagine how my friend Jo is feeling??? those are the ligaments that have torn way back at around 20 weeks. She is still in serious pain every minute of everyday. She's at 35 weeks now.
Just last week she spent the week in hospital with a stomach flu!!!!!
So glad to hear that things are going well for you!!
Anonymous, at 6:23 PM
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