This kid is a MOVER!! Just this past week, I have been able to really feel her kicking and punching and doing summersaults and cartwheels! LoL! She IS an active one!
I absolutely LOVE feeling her move around in there. I know that as she grows, she'll start kicking harder and it will get annoying - but for now, I totally love it!!! : )
I absolutely LOVE feeling her move around in there. I know that as she grows, she'll start kicking harder and it will get annoying - but for now, I totally love it!!! : )
Glad you're feeling her so much now! Isn't it fun?! I don't know, I never thought it ever got annoying--the kicks never kept me awake at night. My kids were most active between 10pm & midnight...right when I'd finally crawl into bed & relax.
I remember one morning when I was pregnant with Megan. I was curled up on my side talking to Bryn as he got dressed for work when she kicked or elbowed me so hard that my lower belly hit my upper thigh! That girl was (is!) strong & active!
Enjoy the most amazing part of being pregnant...aside from meeting this little person when she decides to make an appearance! You're over halfway there now, right?!
Tricia, at 4:31 PM
It never got annoying to me either Wendy, just sometimes a bit painful. You know what DID get annoying? Hiccups. Al had hiccups just about daily for the last 6-8 weeks of my pregnancy. Nothing like sitting there with a good book resting on "the bump" and then the baby starts with the hiccups and the book bounces.
daionara, at 7:08 AM
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