It's amazing how much our little girl has grown in the past few months - this picture puts it in really good perspective!
My appetite is so crazy right now! I'm usually REALLY hungry for breakfast, kinda hungry for lunch, and not real hungry at all for dinner. I guess that's okay -- they say one of the keys of weight maintenance is "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and dinner like a pauper." LoL!
This morning I went to Dunkin' Donuts and had myself quite the little feast: A lemon-filled donut, a ham/egg/cheese bagel sandwich and apple juice. But was that enough? Oh no. After that I went to Panera to get an iced coffee. It was SO good! *OINK*
Still feeling this little peanut tumbling and wiggling around; I SO love it! Last week, I could only feel her first thing in the morning, right after I woke up. But now it's any time of the day or night!
I have my monthly check-up tomorrow morning. I always look very forward to those - it's fun hearing the heartbeat and stuff!
Today I bought Alyssa a little book at Kohl's. It's about colors and it's so cute. And we're getting quite the collection of adorable baby clothes already - it is SO much fun!! Only about four months til she makes her arrival - I can't believe it. I hope the next four months go really fast!!
Mmmmm! Your breakfast (with the exception of the coffee!) sounds great!!! I had Captain Crunch & a piece of toast, can you see why I'm jealous?!;)
It's fun to get things, little by little, for the baby. That was the hardest part about not finding out what Nathan was until he was born--I couldn't go out & buy gender-specific clothes or other items to decorate his room in a more "boy" theme. Hey, I tried holding off on learning the gender once...never again!!
It IS amazing how much they grow in so little time. I was showing Nathan my u/s pic that resembles the 7 week pic you have & describing to him just how small the baby is right now. He felt my belly & said, "Yeah, the baby must be really small because right now your stomach is all squishy instead of hard like when I can feel the baby in there." Hmmm, if anyone else had made the "squishy stomach" comment, they'd have a black & blue eye!;)
Enjoy the baby clothes, the tiny kicks & punches and know that the last 4 months WILL go by quickly. It's usually just the last few weeks that drag by...but then once you start to think of all the things you still have to get ready before the baby comes, you panic & time seems too short!
Tricia, at 6:18 PM
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