Right now Alyssa Belle weighs about one pound. My pregnancy journal says to hold a pound of butter (four sticks) in your hand to get an idea of how much the baby weighs. So I did that the other day and even though it's not much, it is cool to think that she weighs that much already.
Haven't been writing in my blog as often as usual lately....I think it's cuz I'm in that blessed state of pregnancy where not much is changing from day to day. I'm still feeling her move a LOT!! I think she likes it when I lay really still on the bed, cuz that's when she tends to kick the most. And she almost always boogies around in there for about an hour or so after I first wake up in the morning. Sometimes I talk to her, call her by her name, etc. - and she often responds by moving even more! Can I just say - that is AMMMMAZING!!! I honestly have to say that feeling this little growing person inside me is THE most awesome thing I have experienced in my entire life. In a way, I'm actually very much looking forward to the next four months because I know the kicking and rolling will just increase and get easier and easier to feel....and eventually we'll be able to see those kicks and jabs too! I can't wait!!
I also love the fact that you can clearly tell I'm pregnant now. People in stores and stuff look at my belly and smile. It is so fun!
I got a CD yesterday that has lullabies on it, and it's a personalized CD so all of the songs have the name "Alyssa" in them! I love it so much - I listened to it last night in bed before I fell asleep. The songs are sung by two sisters and their voices are so pretty. The songs definitely make ME sleepy, so hopefully they'll make my baby sleepy too, when the time comes! My favorite song on the CD goes, "Sleep, my sweet Alyssa...." It is sooooo neat hearing her name in the songs!! And things like that make me glad we chose a non-bizarre name for her cuz finding personalized things probably won't be too difficult. As a little girl, I *loved* getting things that had my name on them - pencils, notepads, keychains, buttons.....
I'm getting serious stretch marks on my upper legs, dude. None on my belly yet, but the hip area - yikes! But ya know what? I don't mind one little teeny-tiny bit!!
I only got stretchmarks on my hips and thighs. None on my belly! Feeling her move around in there is the best. I loved that part of being pregnant.
You make me wanna have another baby already!
d_evans, at 11:54 AM
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