I'm super-excited! Today I signed up for a pre/post natal exercise class!
I've been wishing for and looking for something like this - but never thought to look to the hospital I'll be delivering at for a class. Well, I called them this morning and they offer one that sounds great. YAY! It meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:30 a.m. The class goes for about 45 minutes. The class is not actually *at* the hospital...it's at a health/fitness club that's actually a little closer to my house. I was really impressed with the facility when I went there to register this morning. And the membership dude that helped me was really helpful - he showed me the room the class is held in, the location of the locker room, and everything. I signed up for ten classes and can't wait to go!! He said most of the women who take that class are post-natal (they take their little ones to the class too!), but that I'm smart for starting before the baby's born. Hopefully I won't be the *only* prenatal woman there, but we shall see! ; )
Oh, that reminds me - I have to call my OB cuz I have to have written permission from them before I can take the class!
Oh my. Today in the mail there was an ABC Distributing catalog that says "Harvest 2006" on the cover! They're reeeally ahead o' the game, but seeing that made my tummy do a little flip....cuz when FALL is here, ALYSSA is here!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Bring a little baby doll with you! You can either pretend that you are "practicing" or that you are a lunatic!
Kat, at 3:53 PM
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