God's Little Conger

Monday, June 26, 2006

Just got back from my first exercise class. It was pretty cool! Mondays are step classes. It was a little more fast-paced and strenuous than I thought it would be but at no point did I really feel like it was too much. Also, you control the intensity by deciding how many levels to use (today I didn't use any - just used the step itself) and she modified some of the moves to make them easier, so I did the easier ones!
There were five of us in the class - three moms who brought their babies with them, and two of us preggo's. One of the girls who had an absolutely adorable baby girl made a point to chat with me after the class, which I thought was very cool. Her name is Kristen and her baby's name is Kate. That baby has a LOT of dark hair!! I also talked to the instructor for a bit. Very nice people.
Right now I feel great. Maybe that workout did some good! Wonder what Alyssa was thinking about all that bouncing around! LOL!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

I'm not sure, but I think I may have had my first Braxton-Hicks contraction tonight! It didn't hurt at all - but for about a half a minute or so, my lower abdomen got ROCK hard and really tight. Then it relaxed again. When are those funky contractions supposed to start? I'm 27 weeks today!!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

She had her first hiccups!
Yesterday morning I was laying on the bed watching the News and I suddenly felt rhythmic thumps right by my belly button. I had no doubt in my mind that it was hiccups, cuz the thumps weren't random like they usually are. They lasted about 3-4 minutes. I couldn't stop giggling - it just cracked me up for some reason! The thought of a little person in there with the hiccups - oh my gosh! LOL!

Monday, June 19, 2006

I'm super-excited! Today I signed up for a pre/post natal exercise class!
I've been wishing for and looking for something like this - but never thought to look to the hospital I'll be delivering at for a class. Well, I called them this morning and they offer one that sounds great. YAY! It meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:30 a.m. The class goes for about 45 minutes. The class is not actually *at* the hospital...it's at a health/fitness club that's actually a little closer to my house. I was really impressed with the facility when I went there to register this morning. And the membership dude that helped me was really helpful - he showed me the room the class is held in, the location of the locker room, and everything. I signed up for ten classes and can't wait to go!! He said most of the women who take that class are post-natal (they take their little ones to the class too!), but that I'm smart for starting before the baby's born. Hopefully I won't be the *only* prenatal woman there, but we shall see! ; )
Oh, that reminds me - I have to call my OB cuz I have to have written permission from them before I can take the class!

Oh my. Today in the mail there was an ABC Distributing catalog that says "Harvest 2006" on the cover! They're reeeally ahead o' the game, but seeing that made my tummy do a little flip....cuz when FALL is here, ALYSSA is here!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It's getting a bit difficult to shave my legs - lol! This belly doesn't allow for much "bendage" in the shower. ;)
And guess what I noticed for the first time this morning? That line that starts below the belly button! It's light but it's very obvious. I bet it'll get darker as my belly grows. I love my belly! : D

Monday, June 12, 2006

So I had another OB visit today! Our baby girl's heartbeat was great - 158 bpm - and she said my belly measurement was right where it should be. I did ask her about childbirth classes and she said it's a personal decision, but that many first-time parents learn a lot from them and that the "caring for your newborn" part is quite helpful. Our only thing is we don't know how much the classes cost (I'll find that out very soon) and if our insurance pays for it or not. We're not wanting to spend a lot on the classes! We'll think about it and decide soon. The only part I know I wouldn't like is the video of some woman giving birth. And Scott - he would leave the room at that point, I'm 100% sure!
My doctors do a glucose test routinely and I will have it done at my next appointment. At today's appt they gave me a bottle of orange glucose-filled juice (yum, yum) that I have to drink an hour before my next appt. Then they take my blood and test for possible gestational diabetes. My sister had gestational diabetes when she was pregnant and I have tendencies toward goofy blood-sugar stuff, so I wouldn't be surprised if I am prone to gest. diabetes, but I'm definitely hoping I'm not! We shall see....
And get this - I've gained NINE pounds in the last month! She told me to go easy on the desserts and I KNOW I have to! My sweet tooth is OFF THE CHARTS lately and I don't hold back....I just eat whatever I want. This past weekend, I ate almost an entire caramel-pecan coffee cake. Not good! So I have to cut down on sweets, which will not be easy for me - lol! But I will do it! I'm also walking more (did really well last week) and will do my darndest to keep that up.
Also, after my next appointment I will start going every two weeks instead of my usual once a month. That means we're gettin' close!!!!

Had another OB check-up today and it went well!
Her heart rate was 158 bmp today and my belly measurement was just right. However, I gained nine pounds since my last appointment (one month ago)! Egads! The doctor told me to just "go easy on the desserts" - lol. And I'm not surprised. My sweet tooth is insatiable...just THRU the ROOF! And I have been eating too many sweets. So I'm gonna really cut down on them, which will probably help me to have more energy too....sometimes I just feel SO sluggish, and it probably has a lot do to with the sugar and fat I eat. So I will be a better girl about that, I promise - lol!
They also gave me a bottle of orange glucose-filled stuff to drink before my next appointment, which is in three weeks. Yum. (Yes, that was sarcasm!) At my next appt they'll do a routine glucose tolerance test to see if I have gestational diabetes. I know it's not uncommon and my sister had it when she was pregnant...but hopefully I won't have it.
And guess what? After this next appointment, I'll be going every two weeks instead of every month! That makes me realize how close it's getting! WooHoo!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

This morning she's kicking so hard that my belly's visibly going up and down!!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

People are starting to touch my belly. Lol! I don't mind it a bit as long as I know the person. If a stranger came up to me in the grocery store and started touchin' all over my belly (like my friend Rebecca said happened to her) - not cool!
We had a great afternoon with Mom and Dad today. The weather was picture-perfect and the burgers were deeeelicious! Dad can really grill those burgers! After lunch we went to downtown Wheaton and got ice cream and then the Popcorn Shop. I can't believe that itty-bitty penny candy store is STILL there after all these years! It will be a sad, sad day when the Popcorn Shop closes its doors. And yes, I got a bag of candy and have eaten far too much of it today!
Although my appetite is quite good lately, I've been trying not to eat too much at a time. If I do, I just feel so uncomfortable and HUGE! My belly isn't THAT big yet, but it already feels like there's not a whole lotta room in there. I know, I ain't seen nothin' yet! Mercy!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Look at this picture! I found it online last night. It gives you an idea of how big Alyssa is right now, at 23 weeks. Isn't that cool?!?! She's already bigger than my hand! And from how much I've still been feeling those thumps in there, it's not hard to believe! : ) ....And the other picture is my Safari laying with his paw on my belly. Sometimes he lays on me and kneads my belly a little. I think he finally somehow knows there's something pretty cool in there! I love it!!

Been feeling pretty okay lately - my main thing is still major tiredness. It's not as bad as it was a couple months ago but it still doesn't take much to get me really exhausted.

Gosh, I CANNOT WAIT to meet this little girl!!!!!!!! Only 3-1/2 more months!!!!